"Lii"30-something fanfic writer and reader, located in the Midwest USA. Goth, paranormal/occult nerd, mermaid enthusiast, anime appreciater, and queer creator. I don't care what other people ship or enjoy so long as no one in the real world gets hurt. I'm here to have fun and escape the hardships of the real world.Fandoms I participate in/follow include but aren't limited to:
Yuri!!! On Ice
the works of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Iron Man and assorted Marvel works (616 and Marvel Adventures especially)
Batman and related DC works
Lore Olympus on Webtoon
various shoujo and mahou shoujo (magical girls) anime and cartoons
Kamen Rider and Super Sentai
Pacific Rim and Gojira/GodzillaMy current fanfic project is "Strange Times in LucĂa Bay", an urban fantasy multifandom series which includes fic in the Yuri!!! On Ice, MXTX, Marvel-616, and other assorted fandoms. You can find/follow it on AO3.I'm LinneaKou everywhere!Take care of yourselves and each other. Peace.
You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?